Ashmeet Kaur
A Matter of Chance
A Matter of Chance
Ashmeet Kaur
For me, it all began back in 11th grade when I was a completely directionless and capricious kid who couldn’t decide which subject to pick along with PCM. It was then that two of my teachers made me pick Economics, who knew I’d completely fall in love with the subject. Now, I’m an Economics major in Delhi University.
For me, it all began back in 11th grade when I was a completely directionless and capricious kid who couldn’t decide which subject to pick along with PCM. It was then that two of my teachers made me pick Economics, who knew I’d completely fall in love with the subject. Now, I’m an Economics major in Delhi University.
During my second semester, a similar thing happened and I was coerced into taking up ‘Investing in Stock Markets’ as my elective. Being a science student, I had no knowledge of this subject and I never expected to be so interested in it. The words “Stock Market” had always fascinated me but I never thought I’d end up working in this field. Everything that happened was all a matter of chance and so was this internship. Who would have thought that I would end up finding an opportunity like this while randomly checking my Facebook Newsfeed? I saw a poster about this internship and I am beyond glad that I applied for it.
During my second semester, a similar thing happened and I was coerced into taking up ‘Investing in Stock Markets’ as my elective. Being a science student, I had no knowledge of this subject and I never expected to be so interested in it. The words “Stock Market” had always fascinated me but I never thought I’d end up working in this field. Everything that happened was all a matter of chance and so was this internship. Who would have thought that I would end up finding an opportunity like this while randomly checking my Facebook Newsfeed? I saw a poster about this internship and I am beyond glad that I applied for it.
The first 2 weeks were very hard as I was making consistent losses. I used to give into my emotions, which I now know is the worst thing an analyst or trader can do. I really appreciate our mentor for his patience. Not only is he a great trainer but he clears every single doubt of ours, no matter how silly it is. His constant support and guidance eventually helped me turn those losses into profits.
The first 2 weeks were very hard as I was making consistent losses. I used to give into my emotions, which I now know is the worst thing an analyst or trader can do. I really appreciate our mentor for his patience. Not only is he a great trainer but he clears every single doubt of ours, no matter how silly it is. His constant support and guidance eventually helped me turn those losses into profits.
In this dynamic market, be it Indian or International, some days are great while others are absolutely terrible. But this internship has made me realise that we have to trust ourselves and our analysis. When we’re in the market, we have to keep all our emotions aside and focus solely on logic.
In this dynamic market, be it Indian or International, some days are great while others are absolutely terrible. But this internship has made me realise that we have to trust ourselves and our analysis. When we’re in the market, we have to keep all our emotions aside and focus solely on logic.
I believe that financial education has become an absolute necessity in this day and age. This programme offered by TFD is to a great start in the area of spreading financial literacy and giving actual hands on market exposure to new-comers like me. At least now, no broker or analyst can fool me because charts will tell me everything I need to know, as John Murphy once said, “The illusion of randomness gradually disappears as the skill in chart reading improves.”
I believe that financial education has become an absolute necessity in this day and age. This programme offered by TFD is to a great start in the area of spreading financial literacy and giving actual hands on market exposure to new-comers like me. At least now, no broker or analyst can fool me because charts will tell me everything I need to know, as John Murphy once said, “The illusion of randomness gradually disappears as the skill in chart reading improves.”
This internship has given a bit of clarity to my blurry future. Now, I know what I want to do with my career. For that, I am eternally indebted to the TFD team and our mentor, Mr. Vishwa Kalra.
This internship has given a bit of clarity to my blurry future. Now, I know what I want to do with my career. For that, I am eternally indebted to the TFD team and our mentor, Mr. Vishwa Kalra.
Thank you and Happy Trading!
Thank you and Happy Trading!
- Ashmeet Kaur
- Ashmeet Kaur
(S.G.G.S.C.C, Delhi University)
(S.G.G.S.C.C, Delhi University)
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